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Distributors and suppliers of laces for shoe stores

Distributors and suppliers of laces for shoe stores

To know if you find with us what you are looking for, you have to know our service very well. This is very complete, to verify it, you only have to see our catalogue, in it there are dozens of laces. Among them are those that we can call basic, that is to say, those in colours such as white, gray, brown, and beige. In addition, we offer you fluorescent coloured laces and gold and silver ones, the latter have metallic finish. At Cairon Plantillas we offer printed laces so that your customers can customize their shoes to the maximum.

Thanks to the large number of shoelaces that we distribute and supply, they can be adapted to different styles of shoes, from sports shoes to dress shoes. In our selection of laces there are also different sizes, of 90, 120 and 150 centimetres. Who can order from our laces distributor and supplier? All types of shoe stores, from physical stores to online stores, those that are dedicated to the exclusive sale of dress shoes or those that sell sports shoes. Although our company is located in Montcada i Reixac, you can contact us no matter where you are, we will take care of getting your order to you.

Packs From individual laces to coloured packs
Colour Wide variety of colours
Material Cotton, Nylon, Leather, Polyester, Silicone, Wax
Category Mountain, sports, dress, elastic, fluorescent, gold and silver shoelaces
  1. Strong and resistant cords

    Unlike insoles, we are not in the laces manufacturing business, however, we choose very carefully the manufacturers from whom we purchase these elements. We make sure that they can offer us laces with high durability.

  2. Robust and quality design

    With Cairon Plantillas you have the opportunity to purchase laces of different thicknesses and lengths. However, you should know that all designs are robust, so they have an excellent resistance, even the laces for sports shoes.

  3. Variety of materials and colours

    In our distribution brand of shoelaces for shoe stores in Montcada i Reixac (and all Spain) we guarantee the variety in our products. Therefore, the laces we sell are made with a wide variety of materials, from cotton to silicone. In addition, they have different colours and there are even prints.

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